About Time Balances of Type Other

The balance definition includes four predefined types of balances. The Flex type, the Compensatory Leave type, the Switch time type, and the Other type. The Flextime, Compensatory time, and Switch time balances are all connected to features in the data capture devices used by IFS/Time and Attendance. They all require specific setup definitions to function properly. This is the reason why we have the predefined balance types. The type controls and sets restrictions to how the balances must be defined and you will be supported by the system when defining the balances. You can create several different flextime, compensatory time, and switch time balances. However, you normally connect only one balance each (or none) of these types to the same rule type (and employee) during the same time period. 

The balance type Other allows you to create almost any kind of time balance that summarizes hours or days. This type is not controlled by the system to the same degree as the previously mentioned types. The type Other is the one that lets you set up the rules. You may define as many balances of this type as you wish. You can connect any number of them to the same rule type (and employee).

The basis for all balances are the presence and absence hours you find in the IFS/Time and Attendance component. As long as there is a time card result expressed in hours and wage codes, you can also define a balance for it.

Balances of type Other can be defined in either of the two available units, hours or days.

Balances accounted for in the day unit require that you choose a method that converts hours into days. You have three options to choose from. The Fixed option, lets you set the number of hours yourself. The value you enter is then considered the normal hours equivalent for all employees connected to the balance, and for all days calculated. The Scheduled hours option, will get the normal hours from the schedule information for each employee and day. The Agreement hours from day type option, will get the entered agreement hours from the schedule information for each employee and day. 

The conversion rule can be supplemented by a Conversion Hours value. This is mandatory for the Fixed option. The conversion hours value is used in all cases the normal hours equivalent is needed and there is no scheduled or agreement hours available. This can be the case, e.g., on a normally non-working day when the employee is working and accruing time to a balance that is defined in the day unit, or when converting from an hours unit balance into a days unit balance.