View/Check Employee Availability


Check Employee Availability activity is used to view the availability of employees during a future period. This will show the available hours for the employee after excluding the work allocations for project activities, work orders etc.

View Employee Availability activity is used to view employees work time and availability information. The function has two main purposes:

Check the scheduled hours compared to the agreed hours

This is used when you plan an employee for a certain amount of hours during a period of time, e.g., 1700 hours for the year, and then schedule the employee for shorter periods, e.g., a month at a time. The function then lets you keep control of the remaining agreed hours and what remains to be scheduled before the agreement period is over. The fields relevant for this purpose are the Agreement Hours, Scheduled Hours and Balance fields. The hours presented are summarized for the whole selected interval.   

View availability information

This is used when you need to see the employees availability and planned absence for the future dates in the selected interval. The absence information is divided on HR Hours, e.g., training, and Absence, e.g., vacation. Both fields uses the absence information registered. The HR Hours include hours entered on absence codes where the absence parameter Conversion is set to either of the 'Converted...' options. The Absence field include the hours entered on absence codes that are not converted. 

The calculation of Agreement Hours is controlled by the company property code AGREEHOURS. Set to AGREEMENT (or not set at all) the hours are retrieved from the agreement work time information (refer to page Employee/Employment/Periods/Work Time Info). Set to DAYTYPE the hours are summarized from the schedule details.  


In order to perform this activity, employee is required to be connected to a work schedule in the Employee Schedules and Rules.

System Effects

There are no system effects.