Define Dependent Absence Types


This activity is used to define dependent absence types. This configuration allows you to define the maximum number of absence days that can be taken by an employee without prior notice. The maximum number of days you specify using this activity will be the default number of days that can be generated as limits for the dependent absence type. When employee registers an absence period, the absence limits defined for the dependent absence type can be used along with the limits for the registered absence type. In such cases, the main absence limit as well as the dependent absence limit is reduced (Note that they do not sum up. The dependent absence limit only adds information to the main absence limit). In this activity, you can also specify whether individually registered corrective values should be considered when the limit is generated.

To define Dependent Absence Types, you can use Absence Administration Basic Data/Absence Limit Definition/Dependent Limit Definition section.


In order to perform this activity, absence types are required to be already defined in the Absence Configuration/Absence Type section.

System Effects

There are no system effects.