Enter Increment Schedule and Substitute Increment Schedule


The activity of enter Increment schedule is used to enter increment schedules. The increment schedule is used as a supplement to the working hours schedule when you need to add additional compensation to the employees. The additional compensation defined in the increment schedule is added to the time card result together with the wage type Increment.

The increment schedule is defined by increment types. These, in turn, define how each day is to be compensated in terms of wage codes, for the time intervals.

You should not use increment schedules to define overtime compensation. This belongs to the working hours schedule. Instead the increment schedule is used to define, e.g., compensation for inconvenient working hours, or other increments that cannot be defined in the working hours schedule.  

An employee’s normal increments are described in a cycle schedule. The length of the cycle is normally one week, but can vary depending on the agreement. One cycle may consist of one or several shifts. The cycle is applied for both future and past dates. 

The normal increment schedule is supplemented by a substitute schedule, which contains days on which the compensation is different than specified in the cycle. The substitute schedule normally includes the public holidays.

The activity of enter Substitute increment schedule is used to enter a substitute increment schedule. The substitute increment schedule supplements the ordinary increment schedule with the days that do not follow the standard cycle. Enter substitutes with the applicable accounting date. Substitutes always override the ordinary schedule.

The substitute schedule is linked to the ordinary increment schedule.

The structure and setup of the increment schedule is similar to the working hours schedule.

A substitute increment schedule can be linked to several different increment schedules. This is done in the Increment Schedules page.  


In order to perform this activity;

System Effects

As a result of enter substitute increment schedule, you can connect a substitute increment schedule to an increment schedule