Remove Vehicle Condition


This activity is used to remove an entry from the vehicle condition history for a vehicle. This is useful, for instance, when an entry has been added by mistake and needs to be removed from the system.

Note: It is not possible to remove the last entry in the vehicle condition history for a vehicle since this can cause mismatches between the current vehicle condition of the vehicle and the most recent entry in history. In addition, it is not possible to remove an entry from the vehicle condition history when working with old serial information (i.e., where the vehicle has been renamed) or a serial that is locked.

Click Remove Vehicle Condition in the pages listed under the Pages section. As a result, the vehicle condition entry is removed from the history. Navigate to the Part Serial History page, search for the serial number of the vehicle, and observe a transaction is created for the removal of the vehicle condition. Note: If you are working in the History per Serial page, you need to remove the vehicle condition from the Vehicle Condition tab.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, an entry is removed from the vehicle condition history for the vehicle. Information on the removal will be recorded in the part serial history for the vehicle.