This activity is used to restore previously archived data. The restore of archived data can typically be useful when something has been incorrectly archived, or when an asynchronous transaction was forgotten prior to the previous archiving. When a restore is performed, the archived data will be moved back to the operational logging history.
To restore back previously performed archiving, click Restore Back Until Date from the Archiving of Operational Logging page. In the dialog that opens, enter an Restore Back Until Date. All archived operational loggings later or equal to the given date, will be moved back to the operational logging history. If the given date restores completely all operational loggings within an archive ID, the record for the archive ID in the Archiving of Operational Loggings page will be removed as well. If the given date results in only parts of an archive ID being restored, the record for the archive ID will remain in the page but with a remark informing you what has been restored. The Archive Up Until Date for the archive ID will be updated accordingly.
The archiving process can be performed as a background job.
All archived operational loggings equal to or later than a given date will be moved from the archive and back to the operational logging history.