Person Groups

A person group is used when defining approval routing, document access and risk management.

It is possible to temporarily allow a person to be a member of a group by activating the person between specified start and/or end dates. This will make it easier to appoint a substitute when someone is on leave.

It is possible to set none, one, or both of the valid from and to dates for a person in a group. It works like this:

Valid From Valid To Description
X X The person is active in the group from and including the valid from date, and to and including the valid to date.
X   The person is active in the group from and including the valid from date.
  X The person is active in the group to and including the valid to date.
    The person is always active in the group.

A person can be a member of many person groups, potentially with different dates defined. If a person has no valid from and to dates defined, he or she will always be active in the group.