Enter Default Object Access Levels


This activity is used to enter the default or initial access levels set on document access lines granted through objects defined under Object Types for Access Control. The default object access levels can be specified per object type and document class. The levels for a certain object type can be made to apply to all document classes. If needed, the level that is applied to each particular document can be overridden per document.


System Effects

At any given time, the specified default access levels are given to documents that are connected to objects belonging to these object types.

The user that connects the document to the object must have administrator access to the document for the default access levels to be applied. If the user does not have administrator access to the document, an object access line will be inserted in the document's access definition with all access levels cleared.

The access levels defined here is only a default. A document administrator can alter the access defintion on a particular document at any time. The access defined here, when applied on a document, is also not neccessarily the final resulting access for the document, from that line. The resulting access can be lower.

Object access lines that already exist in a document will not be updated if the default access levels are updated. Only when new object access lines are added to a document will the default levels be applied.