Create Business Opportunity Snapshots


This activity is used to create business opportunity snapshots from existing business opportunity headers. A business opportunity snapshot is used to record the evolution of a business opportunity on a periodical basis, which can be used to analyze patterns, trends etc.

It is possible to create snapshots for a past date using the Time Offset (Days) parameter. This is useful for example, when snapshots are created on monthly basis and the sales representatives do not update or create business opportunities exactly at the month end. When the new opportunities applicable for the previous month are entered after the month end, it is possible to modify the Start Date of the opportunity to a date in the previous month. The snapshot creation can be set up to occur for example, three days after the month end with an offset of three days, which would only include business opportunities with a start date earlier than 3 days.

The system calculates a Snapshot Date by adding the Time Offset(Days) to the execution date. It is this execution date that is compared with the opportunity start date.

Note that, the changes done to the opportunity header after the month end, which are applicable for current month, would also be incorporated to the included snapshots in above scenario.


Business opportunity headers should exist for user connected company(s) with a start date earlier than the snapshot date.

System Effects

Business opportunity snapshots would be created for the selected company using the opportunity headers having a Start Date earlier than the Snapshot Date.

There can be only one snapshot line per opportunity with the same Snapshot Date. If more background jobs for the same company tries to create snapshots for the same date, they would be failed. If new snapshots for the same date needs to be created, user can remove the existing snapshots.

Business opportunity headers with Closed and Cancelled statuses will not have snapshots created.