Register Non-Existing Part


You can add business opportunity lines for a part that is not registered as a sales part. When the opportunity leads to a sales quotation or customer order the part must be registered as a sales part. The Register Non-Existing part function allows you to register the part in an easy way. Select the opportunity line for which you want to register the sales part and click Register Non-Existing Part. Choose Sales Part Type. Unit of measure, description, price and cost are copied from the business opportunity line but it can be changed. Enter Sales Price Group and Sales Group in the Grouping group box manually or by using the List of Values. This is mandatory information. You can also enter a discount group and/or a rebate group, if applicable. 

Price for the sales part is entered in the Price (mandatory) field or by selecting the Use Price Inc Tax option, you have the possibility to enter a price including tax in the Price incl Tax field instead. Entering the including tax price will calculate the net price for you, and vice versa. If tax applies on part level, enable the Taxable option and select the appropriate tax code. 


An opportunity line for a non-existing part should have been entered.

System Effects