Enter Company Identifiers in External Payment Parameters


This activity is used to enter and modify the company identifiers in external payment parameters. You can define company identifiers in order to create separate external payments, e.g. in different companies, from a single external file. The company identifier also includes additional parameter which can be used in the file import for the connected company. The parameters of the company identifier will be used, if the specified company identifier is detected in the external file.

This activity is of use only for payment formats with a file template that is used to identify the company in the context of the external file. The company identifier is used for the payment format MT940DE only.

You can enter identifiers only for the companies to which you have access. The payment methods of the identifiers must refer to the same payment format, which is linked to the payment method displayed in the top of the page. If a company identifier is not defined, the external file will be imported in the current company, using the parameters entered in the assistant for the file import.


In order to perform this activity,

System Effects

As a result of this activity, you can import an external file into separate external payments of different companies. That is, each load ID (which is created because of the external payment file) will display the payment transactions of a specific company.