Enter Segmentation Criteria


This activity is used to enter segmentation criteria in external payment parameters. These criteria can be defined for a specific payment method and applies for payment transactions which are imported from an external file with this payment method.

Depending on the criteria, you can split one external payment into separate mixed payments when the external payment is transferred to a mixed payment. The split can be done, for example by transaction type in order to create separate mixed payments for direct cash payments, customer payments or supplier payments. Several criteria are available to specify which transactions of the external payment should be included in one separate mixed payment.

The mixed payments will be created for each row of segmentation criteria in a specified order. For each segmentation criteria you can decide whether the mixed payment should be approved as a background job automatically. The prefix for the statement number of the mixed payment can be defined in order to identify the content of the mixed payment. You are allowed to use any constant and/or a substitution variable as the prefix for the statement number.

You can also enter a limit for the number of transactions to be included in one mixed payment, and if more transactions exist in the external payment for a row of segmentation criteria, the transfer will create several mixed payments.


In order to perform this activity, the external payment parameter must exist for the payment method.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the payment transactions of an external payment are transferred to several mixed payments depending on the criteria defined.