Posting Types and System Events - IFS Project Reporting

About Posting Control - General

This document is used to describe the financial effects of certain business events in IFS/Project Reporting.

IFS/Project Reporting

Existing Posting Types

Posting Type Description
PRJC1 Project Personal Costs
PRJC2 Project Personal Costs Counter Booking
PRJC3 Project Non-Personal Costs
PRJC4 Project Non-Personal Costs Counter Booking
PRJC5 Multi-Company Project Personal Costs for the Customer Company
PRJC6 Multi-Company Project Personal Cost Reporting Due to Affiliated Company related to the Customer Company
PRJC7 Multi-Company Project Personal Cost Reporting Revenue for the Employee Company
PRJC8 Multi-Company Project Personal Cost Reporting Due from Affiliated Company related to the Employee Company
PRJC9 Multi-Company Project Non-Personal Costs for the Linked Company
PRJC10 Multi-Company Project Non-Personal Cost Reporting Due to Affiliated Company related to the Customer Company
PRJC11 Multi-Company Project Non-Personal Cost Reporting Revenue for the Employee Company
PRJC12 Multi-Company Project Non-Personal Cost Reporting Due from Affiliated Company related to the Employee Company
PRJC13 Multi-Company Project Personal Costs Invoice for the Customer Company
PRJC14 Multi-Company Project Non-Personal Costs Invoice for the Customer Company
PRJI1 Project Invoicing Taxable
PRJI2 Project Invoicing Non-Taxable
PRJI3 Multi-Company Project Invoicing Taxable for the Employee Company
PRJI4 Multi-Company Project Invoicing Non-Taxable for the Employee Company
PRJW1 WIP Project Personal Cost
PRJW2 WIP Project Personal Cost Counter Booking
PRJW3 WIP Project Non-Personal Costs
PRJW4 WIP Project Non-Personal Costs Counter Booking
PRJW5 WIP Project Time
PRJW6 WIP Project Time Counter Booking
PRJT1 Project Time
PRJT2 Project Time Counter Booking
PRJT3 Project Labor Overhead
PRJT4 Project Labor Overhead Counter Booking
PRJT5 Project Labor Multiple Overhead
PRJT6 Project Labor Multiple Overhead Counter Booking
PRJT7 Multi-Company Time Reporting for the Linked Company
PRJT8 Multi-Company Time Reporting Counter Booking for the Customer Company
PRJT9 Multi-Company Time Reporting Revenue for the Employee Company
PRJT10 Multi-Company due from Affiliated Company related to the Employee Company
PRJT11 Multi-Company Time Reporting Invoice for the Customer Company
PRJT12 Project Time Reporting for Contractors
PRJT13 Project Time Reporting for Contractors Counter Booking
PRJT14 Project Time Reporting Invoice for Contractors

Allowed Combinations of Posting Types and Control Types

PRJC1 Project Personal Costs X         X X X X X X X     X X            
PRJC2 Project Personal Costs Counter Booking X         X X X X X X X     X X            
PRJC3 Project Non-Personal Costs X         X   X     X X     X X            
PRJC4 Project Non-Personal Costs Counter Booking X         X   X     X X     X X            
PRJC5 Multi-Company Project Personal Costs for the Linked Company X     X   X X X X X X X     X X     X X    
PRJC6 Multi-Company Project Personal Cost Reporting Due to Affiliated Company related to the Linked Company X     X   X X X X X X X     X X     X X    
PRJC7 Multi-Company Project Personal Cost Reporting Revenue for the Employee Company X     X   X X X X X X X     X X     X X    
PRJC8 Multi-Company Project Personal Cost Reporting Due from Affiliated Company related to the Employee Company X     X   X         X X     X X            
PRJC9 Multi-Company Project Non-Personal Costs for the Linked Company X     X   X         X X     X X            
PRJC10 Multi-Company Project Non-Personal Cost Reporting Due to Affiliated Company related to the Linked Company X     X   X         X X     X X            
PRJC11 Multi-Company Project Non-Personal Cost Reporting Revenue for the Employee Company X     X   X         X X     X X            
PRJC12 Multi-Company Project Non-Personal Cost Reporting Due from Affiliated Company related to the Employee Company X     X   X         X X     X X            
PRJC13 Multi-Company Project Personal Costs Invoice for the Linked Company X     X   X X X X X X X     X X   X X X    
PRJC14 Multi-Company Project Non-Personal Costs Invoice for the Linked Company X     X   X         X X     X X            
PRJI1 Project Invoicing Taxable X   X     X X X X X X X X   X X         X  
PRJI2 Project Invoicing Non-Taxable X   X     X X X X X X X X   X X         X  
PRJI3 Multi-Company Project Invoicing Taxable for the Employee Company X   X X   X X X X X X X X   X X            
PRJI4 Multi-Company Project Invoicing Non-Taxable for the Employee Company X   X X   X X X X X X X X   X X            
PRJW1 WIP Project Personal Cost X         X X X X X X X X X X X            
PRJW2 WIP Project Personal Cost Counter Booking X         X X X X X X X X X X X            
PRJW3 WIP Project Non-Personal Costs X         X   X     X X X X X X            
PRJW4 WIP Project Non-Personal Costs Counter Booking X         X   X     X X X X X X            
PRJW5 WIP Project Time X         X X X X X X X X X X X            
PRJW6 WIP Project Time Counter Booking X         X X X X X X X X X X X            
PRJT1 Project Time X       X X X X X X X X     X X     X      
PRJT2 Project Time Counter Booking X       X X X X X X X X     X X     X      
PRJT3 Project Labor Overhead X       X X X X X X X X     X X     X      
PRJT4 Project Labor Overhead Counter Booking X       X X X X X X X X     X X     X      
PRJT5 Project Labor Multiple Overhead X         X X X X X X X     X X X   X      
PRJT6 Project Labor Multiple Overhead Counter Booking X         X X X X X X X     X X X   X      
PRJT7 Multi-Company Time Reporting for the Linked Company X     X   X X X X X X X     X X     X      
PRJT8 Multi-Company Time Reporting Counter Booking for the Linked Company X     X   X X X X X X X     X X     X      
PRJT9 Multi-Company Time Reporting Revenue for the Employee Company X     X   X X X X X X X     X X     X      
PRJT10 Multi-Company due from Affiliated Company related to the Employee Company X     X   X X X X X X X     X X     X      
PRJT11 Multi-Company Time Reporting Invoice for the Linked Company X     X   X X X X X X X     X X     X      
PRJT12 Project Time Reporting for Contractors X     X X X X X X X X X     X X     X X    
PRJT13 Project Time Reporting for Contractors Counter Booking X     X X X X X X X X X     X X     X X    
PRJT14 Project Time Reporting for Contractors Invoice X     X X X X X X X X X     X X     X X    

* The Invoice Origin (PRJC16) control type can be used to identify the project invoices originated from application for payment and it is used to control project invoice postings (PRJI1 and PRJI2). This will filter the invoice postings from sales contract application for payment as AFP and the rest as Non-AFP. This detailed control value should be defined in Posting Control Details for the PRJC16 line.

IFS/Project Reporting : Connections between Posting Types and System Events.

Posting Project Personal Costs

Personal costs are incurred on a project when Cost type transactions registered for employees are approved for cost accounting. Project cost transactions are approved for cost accounting by default when the transactions are registered in the Project Cost Registration/Personal tab or the Project Transactions page. You can also manually approve or remove approval of transactions.  

PRJC1 Description of use: This posting type is used to create the debit posting for project personal costs.

PRJC2 Description of use: This posting type creates the credit posting for project personal costs. This is the counter booking of the posting created by PRJC1.

Posting Project Non Personal Costs

Non personal costs are incurred on a project when Cost type transactions which are directly registered for a project activity (not employee specific) are approved for cost accounting. Project cost transactions are approved for cost accounting by default when the transactions are registered in the Project Cost Registration/Non Personal tab or the Project Transactions page. You can also manually approve or remove approval of transactions.

PRJC3 Description of use: This posting type is used to create the debit posting for project non personal costs.

PRJC4 Description of use: This posting type creates the credit posting for non personal costs. This is the counter booking of the posting created by PRJC3.

Posting Multi-Company Project Personal Costs

Multi-company personal costs are incurred on a project when cost type transactions are registered for employees. There are separate posting types for the employee company and linked company transactions.

PRJC5 Description of use: This posting type is used to create the debit posting for the project personal costs of the linked company.

PRJC6 Description of use: This posting type creates the credit posting for the project personal costs of the linked company. This is the counter booking of the posting created by PRJC5.

PRJC7 Description of use: This posting type is used to create the credit posting for the revenue earned from the project personal cost registration of the employee company.

PRJC8 Description of use:  This posting type creates the debit posting for the revenue earned from the project personal cost registration of the employee company. This is the counter booking of the posting created by PRJC7.

Posting Multi-Company Project Non Personal Costs

Multi-company non personal costs are incurred on a project when cost transactions are registered for a project activity (not employee specific). There are separate posting types for the employee company and linked company transactions.

PRJC9 Description of use: This posting type is used to create the debit posting for project non personal costs of the linked company.

PRJC10 Description of use: This posting type creates the credit posting for non personal costs of the linked company. This is the counter booking of the posting created by PRJC9.

PRJC11 Description of use: This posting type is used to create the credit posting for the revenue earned from the project non personal costs of the employee company.

PRJC12 Description of use: This posting type creates the debit posting for the revenue earned from the non personal costs of the employee company. This is the counter booking of the posting created by PRJC11.

Posting Project Invoice

PRJI1 Description of use: This posting type is used to create credit postings for project invoice lines when tax is included in the invoice line amount. The counter booking of this posting (debit posting) is included in the debit posting created by IP2 posting type.

PRJI2 Description of use: This posting type is used to create credit postings for project invoice lines when No Tax is applicable or when the tax percentage is zero. The counter booking of this posting (debit posting) is included in the debit posting created by IP2 posting type.

Posting Multi-Company Project Invoice

PRJI3 Description of use: This posting type is used to create credit postings for multi-company project invoice lines when tax is included in the invoice line amount. The counter booking of this posting (debit posting) is included in the debit posting created by IP2 posting type.

PRJI4 Description of use: This posting type is used to create credit postings for multi-company project invoice lines when No Tax is applicable or when the tax percentage is zero. The counter booking of this posting (debit posting) is included in the debit posting created by IP2 posting type.

Posting Work in Progress Project Costs

Work in progress vouchers are created and posted for project costs by executing the Create Work in Progress Accounting process. Work in progress accounting is used to create vouchers for transactions of Cost type as well as Time type.

PRJW1 Description of use: This posting type is used to create the debit posting when work in progress vouchers are created for project personal costs.

PRJW2 Description of use: This posting type is used to create the counter booking of the posting created by PRJW1. This is a credit posting.

PRJW3 Description of use: This posting type is used to create the debit posting when you create work in progress vouchers for non personal costs incurred on a project.

PRJW4 Description of use: This posting type is used to create the counter booking of the posting created by PRJW3. This is a credit posting.

PRJW5 Description of use: This posting type is used to create the debit posting when you create Work in Progress vouchers for time transactions created for a project.

PRJW6 Description of use: This posting type is used to create the counter booking of the posting created by PRJW5. This is a credit posting.

Posting Project Time Transactions

Postings are created for project transactions of Time type when the transactions are approved for cost accounting. Project time transactions are approved for cost accounting when the transactions are confirmed using the Project Time Registration or Time Registration pages. You can also manually approve or remove approval of transactions in the Project Transactions page. 

PRJT1 Description of use: This posting type is used to create the debit posting for project time transactions.

PRJT2 Description of use: This posting type is used to create the counter booking of the posting created by PRJT1. This is a credit posting.

Posting Project Labor Overhead

When a project transaction registered for an employee (not a contractor) is approved for cost accounting, the labor overhead amount calculated for the transaction is posted separately. Project time transactions are approved for cost accounting when the transactions are confirmed using the Project Time Registration or Time Registration pages. You can also manually approve or remove approval of transactions in the Project Transactions page. 

PRJT3 Description of use: This posting type is used to create the debit posting for the labor overhead amount in the project transaction.

PRJT4 Description of use: This posting type is used to create the counter booking of the posting created by PRJT3. This is a credit posting.

Posting Project Labor Multiple Overhead

When a project transaction registered for an employee (not a contractor) is approved for cost accounting, the multiple labor overhead amounts calculated for the transaction are posted separately.

PRJT5 Description of use: This posting type is used to create the debit posting for the multiple labor overhead amounts in the project transaction.

PRJT6 Description of use: This posting type is used to create the counter booking of the posting created by PRJT5. This is a credit posting.

Posting Multi-Company Project Time Transactions

There are separate postings created for multi-company project time transactions for the employee company transactions and the linked company transactions.

PRJT7 Description of use: This posting type is used to create the debit posting for the linked company project time transactions.

PRJT8 Description of use: This posting type is used to create the counter booking of the posting created by PRJT8. This is a credit posting.

PRJT9 Description of use: This posting type is used to create the credit posting for the revenue earned from the employee company project time transactions.

PRJT10 Description of use: This posting type is used to create the counter booking of the posting created by PRJT9. This is a debit posting.

Posting Contractor Project Time Reporting Transactions

Contractor project time reporting transactions are created when contractors report time for the project.

PRJT12 Description of use: This posting type is used to create the debit posting for the contractor project time reporting transactions.

PRJT13 Description of use: This posting type creates the credit posting for the external project time. This is the counter booking of the posting created by PRJT13.

PRJT14 Description of use: This posting type will be used to post final postings after the transaction is matched with an external supplier invoice.