Modify Payment Terms Information

If IFS/Invoice and IFS/Payment are installed the Payment Terms page is used to enter and view details of payment terms. Enter payment terms when entering information on customers and suppliers. When entering invoices, you can change any default payment terms shown for either customer or supplier. In the Payment Term page installments are entered. A payment term that has installments will be used to create installment plans on invoices.

When the system is started up, the payment terms below are created automatically. Use the Payment Terms page to define any other payment terms before bringing the system into operation.

In the Payment Term Discount page, you can enter the number of days for cash discount, the discount as a percentage, the number of free delivery months offered, the number days to the discount date, and information about specific discount days that can be applied for the discount date.

In the Payment Vacation Days page, you can enter vacation periods. If a due date occurs during a payment vacation period, a new due date will be calculated according to the data in this page.

The description for the payment terms can be translated into several languages. This is done in the Company Attribute Translations page.