Define Organization Basic Data

Organization basic data consists information of the following: Maintenance Organizations and Teams.

Define Maintenance Organizations 

Before entering employees, work orders, PM actions, and work task templates you need to define one or more Maintenance Organizations. This can be done in the Organization Basic Data/Maintenance Organizations page. The Maintenance Organizations you enter should represent the different organizational units that exist within your business, which will be handling work orders within IFS Cloud. A Maintenance Organization can also be used to organize employees into geographical areas, one geographical area being one Maintenance Organization. This is useful when you have field technicians that cover certain areas.

Maintenance organizations are site dependent and therefore not global within a company. You can create several different maintenance organizations with the same name in different sites. Once individual maintenance organizations are created, they can be connected to form hierarchical structures. You can only connect Maintenance Organizations that are located in the same site.  

To the Maintenance Organization you can connect employees, and the Maintenance Organization thus becomes the owner of personnel resources. Work orders and PM actions can be assigned to Maintenance Organizations, indicating which Maintenance Organization is responsible for planning and executing the work orders. 

An hourly rate can be defined for the maintenance organization (entered in the Company's currency). The hourly rate is used to calculate the personnel cost when preparing a work order, PM action or work task template, or when reporting in a work order. The rate for a maintenance organization is only used if a Resource Group is not defined.  

If no Resource Group is defined, and if the Maintenance Organization's hourly rate is defined as zero, the cost defined on the sales part connected to the resource line or time report line will be used instead. This is useful if you wish to determine the internal personnel cost based on type of work or type of time spent on the work order. 

A maintenance organization can be connected to a sales part in order to invoice the price of the maintenance organization to the customer. 

This information is to be used throughout in IFS/Maintenance, and in IFS/Service Management.

Define Maintenance Teams and Add Team Members

Once the employees (person resources) have been defined, they can be grouped into maintenance teams. Maintenance teams consist of a single team leader and one or more team members (employees). When creating teams, the employees can be grouped based on, e.g.,  the level of competence, geographical location, etc. The maintenance team will belong to the same maintenance organization as the team leader. The team members included in the maintenance team can belong to different sites and maintenance organizations provided that they belong to the same company as the team leader. A single maintenance organization can have many maintenance teams. An employee can be a member of multiple teams as well as a leader of multiple teams. 

The maintenance teams can be connected to the work tasks connected to a work order. Once connected, you will only be allowed to assign employees included in the maintenance team. 

The life of a maintenance team can be limited by defining a time period for which the team would be valid. You can only assign the team to a work task if the date and time of the work task falls within the life span of the team.