Maintain Order CQA


CQA means Certified Quality Auditor. Use this activity to maintain CQA data applicable for the Defense Contract Order. The page Defense Contract Order CQA page can be accessed from the Defense Contract Order and it provides the possibility to set an inspector address both for Origin and Destination. For Origin is the Communication ID with Communication Method equal to Phone and Default per Method equal Yes automatically retrieved for the Address ID selected. For Destination it is possible to select a Contact Person connected to the Address ID selected.

The Defense Contract Order CQA can be considered as a template for all the items handled by the Defense Contract Order. The CQA data setup for the order is automatically inherited by an item added to the Defense Contract Order, with the option to maintain the data for each individual item if required.

Note: The List of Value for the Company- and Customer addresses in the sections Origin and Destination are filtered based on the Address Type Code Inspector set up in the basic data page: Defense Company Delivery Information and Defense Stakeholder Delivery Information.


This activity requires that a Defense Contract Order exists in status Solicited or Active.

System Effects

As a result of this activity: