
[To Demand Planning]


Use this dialog box to create campaign headers and campaign details. A campaign header is defined by a start date, end date and description. A campaign detail is added to the individual parts. A campaign detail is the increased sales quantity you accept the selected campaign (header) will have on the part. You add a campaign detail to the current selected flow-part/group that you have selected in the GUI of the Demand Client. When you add a campaign detail on a part that part will be member of that group, and the parts forecasted sales will increase in the period where the campaign is defined. You also have a separate line in the forecast graph and forecast table that states the parts/groups forecasted campaign quantity.

Activity Diagrams





This window contains:

Campaign ID: States the id "1-" and the name "-xxx" of the current active campaign. This field is used to select among the different campaigns.

Description: Type in the name of the campaign you want to create here (when creating a new record). If you select an old campaign, then the campaign description is displayed here.

Start Date: Specify the start date here if you are creating a new campaign. The start date of the selected campaign in the campaign ID list is shown here when you are selecting already existing campaigns.

End Date: Specify the end date here if you are creating a new campaign. The end date of the selected campaign in the campaign ID list is shown here when you are selecting already existing campaigns.

Auto cleansing: When this check box is selected, the quantity planned for the campaign will be automatically removed from the part's historical sales when the campaign has ended.

New (main): Click New if you want to create a new campaign. Sets the dialog box in create campaign state.

Save (main): Click Save to save your campaign data. This creates a campaign of your entered campaign data.

Delete (main): Deletes the selected campaign selected in the campaign ID list.

Quantity: Enter the expected sales for the currently selected flow/part/group due to the current selected campaign.

Save (detail): Saves the campaign detail info on the currently selected flow/part/group. Increase the forecast in the campaign period with the amount written in the quantity field. When you click Save, you use/add the currently selected campaign to the active flow/part/group.

Delete (detail): Removes the selected campaign detail on the currently selected flow/part/group.

Close: Closes the dialog box.