
[To Demand Planning]


Use this dialog to publish the current selected part/group, to make it possible to view this part in the Demand Forecast client in IFS EnterPrice Explorer.

Activity Diagrams





This window contains:

Filter Users: Field to type in filter query to filter out users. E.g. Type one letter and get all users starting with this letter.

Show only existing users: If this check box is selected, only the existing DP users will be displayed.

No Access: This list box displays all users that has NOT granted access to the current part/group.

Access: Use this group selection to select the access level, of the current part/group. Note that you mark the user to grant access in the No Access list, then you select the Access level in this dialog, then you move the user to the Access list box. The access levels to choose among are:

Access: This list box displays all users that has granted access to the current part/group. There are icons to the left of the user indicates the access granted to the user on this part/group.

Add: Moves the selected user with the Access setting from the No Access List to the Access List.

Remove: Moves the selected user from the Access List to the No Access List.

Add All: Moves the all users with the Access setting from the No Access List to the Access List.

Clear All: Moves the all users from the Access List to the No Access List.