Season Profile Table

[To Demand Planning]


Use this window to create, view, or edit existing season profiles in tabular form. Access this window using the View/Toolbar/Select Season Profile menu option. Use the Season Profile combo box in the Select Season Profile toolbar to create a new season profile or to select an existing profile to edit. Click New to create a new profile. Table values may be entered manually, copied from the system profile, or copied and pasted from another table or spreadsheet.

Note: Once a profile is selected, the whole GUI is set to group mode. All parts that are connected to this profile are aggregated and the profile is displayed in the Season Profile Graph and in the Season Profile Table window. When you are looking at a part/group without a season profile, the table shows a profile suggested by the system.

Activity Diagrams

Menu Choice Activity
Adjusted Hide/Show Adjusted season profile.
System Hide/Show System season profile (the computer-calculated profile).
Demand Hide/Show the adjusted Demand.
Normalize Season Profile Normalization is multiplying every period by a factor in order for its sum to be equal to the number of periods in a year.
Gauss Filter (Blur) Blurs the seasonal profile, smoothes out the rough edges. Can be done multiple times.
Reset Gauss Filter (Blur) Resets the seasonal profile back to its original, after a Gauss Filter (Blur) Operation.
Copy System Profile to season Profile Copy the system profile (computer-calculated profile yellow line) to the season profile green line.
Format Cells Cell formatting in the table is limited to specifying the number of decimal places to be used and whether to use the 1000 separator.
Copy (also Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert) Copy the selected cells to the clipboard.
Paste (also Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert) Copy the contents of the clipboard into the table.
Copy To Excel Save the entire table contents to an Excel file with the suggested name 'SeasonProfileName.xls.'

Any active selection in the table, the sum and average of the cells in the selection will be displayed in the status bar.


Demand Plan Work


This window contains:

Rows: One row for each period of the year, labeled from 1 to the number of periods defined for a year.
Adjusted: The value for the seasonal index for that period.
System: The value for the system seasonal index for that period.
YYYY: The adjusted demand of the currently selected part/group, year by year. The heading indicates which year demand the column includes.