Select Campaign Toolbar

[To Demand Planning]


This toolbars is active when the system is in group mode, which is engaged either by clicking the Group button in the Select Part toolbar,  by running the Part/Group menu command or by selecting a group level in one of the group combo boxes. When working with individual parts the Select Campaign toolbar identifies which campaign active part belongs to. When the part has multiple campaings the first campaign is shown, and the rest of the parts campaigns are shown colored in blue when you open the Select Campaign drop down list.

Use this toolbar to select a group with which to work with aggregated forecasts.

Toolbars may be turned on/off in the View/Toolbars menu.

The background of the combo box changes to blue to indicate which group selection that is the "parent" of the colored parts in the select part list combo. Or which campaigns the current part is member of when on part level.

The width of the cell can be modified by dragging the cell's rightmost corner.

Activity Diagrams





wpe23.jpg (777 bytes) Open Opens the contents of the campaign group combo box and displays the possible values for that parameter.


This window contains:

Campaign ID: The campaign ID.

Description: The campaign's description.