About Product Model Functions

The function structure is a conceptual level of product construction. Functions can be arranged in a structure, and each function on the bottom level can have engineering parts with their respective part structures attached. The purpose is to organize the product structure in a way that is familiar to multiple disciplines and to provide help with the construction of a product without having to immediately decide all its properties. For example, a hard disk for the PC Pentium 200MHz product can have functions like a Read/Write function attached. After designing the structure for an engineering function, you can attach various parts to the functions in order to get a broader level of detail. The parts you connect must exist in the structure of the part defined as the top part for the model. Each function can also have characteristics.

The Product Functions page provides an overview of the functions registered in the system. It can also be used to assign engineering functions to product models. Note that the functions themselves are defined in PDM/Basic Data/Functions

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After you have defined the product models and the functions you wish to use, assign the functions to your product model. You can organize the functions in your product model in a function structure.