Activity Print Historical Document Survey Report


Use this function to print the Historical Document Survey report. This report provides an historical overview of the documents included in each part revision's document survey for the Engineering Parts specified in the report conditions. This report is available in Landscape format.



System Effects

Historical Document Survey Report Fields:

Field Group Description
Part Number Heading Part number identifier.
Description Heading Description of part revision.
Part Name Heading Part name for the part.
Number of Revisions Heading Number of revisions included in the report
Start at Revision Heading The revision number for the first revision that is included in the report
Category Detail 1 Document reference category.
Class Detail 1 The document class.
No Detail 1 The document number.
Title Detail 1 The document title.
(Revisions) Detail 1 The part revisions selected are displayed as column headers horizontally. For each document, the corresponding document revision number is displayed below the part revisions in the header. '--' means that no document revision was in the part's document survey for that part revision