Activity Print Product Structure Difference Report


Use this function to print the Product Structure Difference report. The structure of a part revision is the composition of that part revision nested in terms of its sub-part revisions. This report derives the difference in structure between part revisions specified in the report conditions. The report is available in Landscape format



System Effects

Product Structure Difference Report Fields:

Field Group Description
A: Part Number Heading Part number identifier for part revision A.
A: Revision Heading Part revision identifier for part revision A.
A: Part Name Heading Part name for part revision A.
A: Released Heading If available, date at which the part revision was released.
A: Obsolete Heading If available, date from which the part revision was obsolete.
A: Active Heading If available, date from which the part revision was active.
B: Part Number Heading Part number identifier for part revision B.
B: Revision Heading Part revision identifier for part revision B.
B: Part Name Heading Part name for part revision B.
B: Released Heading If available, date at which the part revision was released.
B: Obsolete Heading If available, date from which the part revision was obsolete.
B: Active Heading If available, date from which the part revision was active.
Level Detail 1 Structure level at which mismatch was found.
Part Detail 1 Indicates the part revision (A or B) where the mismatch is located.
Difference Cat. Detail 1 Type of mismatch either Quantity, Revision, Addition, or Subtraction.
Part Number Detail 1 Part number identifier for sub-part revision which causes mismatch.
Part Revision Detail 1 Part revision identifier for sub part revision that caused the mismatch.
Name Detail 1 Part name for sub-part revision.
Qty Detail 1 Quantity of sub-part revision relative to local parent part revision.
Total Qty Detail 1 Total quantity of sub-part revisions at this location in structure.
Pos Detail 1 Position identifier of sub part revision in parent part.
Part Status Detail 1 The status of the sub-part revision. Possible values are: Preliminary, Active, Released, and Obsolete.
Date Detail 1 The corresponding date to the sub-part revision status.

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