Roll Up Cost Calculation


Use the Calculate Cost menu item to calculate the material cost,  work cost and work hours for a part. The calculation process begins with the parts lowest in the structure and moves upward until the specified part is reached. The calculation rules are as described below. Note that the calculations can be time-consuming, depending on the product structure size.


System Effects

The material cost, work cost and work hours for the part and its structure are calculated and updated. These data is the basis for Calculate Project Item Rollup Cost in Project Delivery.

Calculation Rules

NVL(x1, x2) means : use x1 if it has a value, otherwise use x2.

For the bottom level (part revisions with no structure):

Calc Cost = NVL(material cost, 0)

Calc Work = NVL(work cost, 0)

Calc Hour = NVL(work hour, 0)

For all part revisions with structure:

Calc Cost = Sum of (Calc Cost for the child * Quantity for the child) for all children on this level  + the part revisions own material cost.

Calc Work = Sum of (Calc Work for the child * Quantity for the child) for all children on this level + the part revisions own work cost..

Calc Hour = Sum of (Calc Hour for the child * Quantity for the child) for all children on this level + the part revisions own hours.