Create Engineering Part Revision

This process leads you through all the steps in creating an engineering part revision

Description of process

In order to create an engineering part revision, you'll first have to create the engineering part. The default revision is defined in PDM/ Basic Data/Default. The default revision is used when creating the first revision of a part if nothing else is specified.

The following steps are typical when creating Engineering Part Revision.

When creating the first revision:

Usually, the first revision is created automatically when creating an engineering part, but it is possible to delete the contents of the First Revision field in Engineering Parts to avoid creating the first revision. If an engineering part exists without a revision, the following steps describe how to create the first revision.

  1. Select the engineering part for which you want to make a revision.
  2. Use the command Create New Revision to create an engineering part revision.
    - Enter a revision number or let the system enter a default value for you.
    - Enter a note describing the revision.
  3. Build the part structure.
  4. Define document requirements.
  5. Define the approval routing.
  6. Define spare parts.
  7. Define any additional, i.e., cost and price parameters concerning the engineering part revision.
  8. Approve the new engineering part revision.
  9. Write an Engineering Change Note describing what has changed.
  10. Distribute new documents if necessary.

When creating a new revision if one or several revisions already exists:

  1. Select the engineering part for which you want to create a revision.
  2. Use the command Create New Revision to create an engineering part revision.
    - Enter a revision number or let the system enter a default value for you.
    - Connect to a CO if one exists for this change.
    - Enter a note describing the revision.
    - Select the old revision from which to copy.
    - Select what to copy: structure and/or document survey.
    - If document survey was chosen, select which documents to copy.
  3. Build/adjust the part structure.
  4. Define/adjust document requirements.
  5. Define the approval routing.
  6. Define/adjust spare parts.
  7. Define any additional, i.e., cost and price parameters concerning the engineering part revision.
  8. Approve the new engineering part revision.
  9. Write an Engineering Change Note describing what has changed.
  10. Distribute new documents if necessary.