Design and Configure Product

Description of process

Whether you are designing new parts or creating configurations of parts designed elsewhere, your main tasks are similar.

IFS/PDM-Configuration makes everyone’s work available - in a controlled manner - to other people in the organization. Everyone sees the same information about product structures, part cost, status, documentation, etc., and spends minimum time searching for it.

By using approval routings for parts and documents, you can involve other disciplines/departments in reviewing your work at an early stage. This should lead to design or configuration changes early in the process.

IFS/PDM-Configuration is designed to keep the engineer from performing the same work more than once. This design is attained through functionality that allows for the standardization and reuse of parts and documents.

IFS/PDM-Configuration supports a product configuration throughout its lifetime. When modifications are done to the original configuration and design, this module keeps track of parts, product structures, specifications, and documents for all product revisions.

The following steps are typical when designing and configuring a product:

  1. Establish new engineering parts.
  2. Create new engineering part revisions.
  3. Design the product structure, either from existing part revisions or from newly created ones.
  4. Supply product structure information.
  5. Prepare for release, define the approval routing and document requirements,
  6. Release engineering part revisions.