Importing Files

In an instance of IFS Cloud, a member of the deployed crew or an administrator uses the Disconnected Operations Workflow Manager to navigate to the location where the exported file is saved, upload the file, select what to import, and import the selected files. The same process is used by any FOB, MOB, or Technical Records Repository instance that is importing files.

During import, the system decrypts the file, verifies signatures, and extracts the file. The contents of the imported file are extracted with separate folders for aircraft, inventory shipments, technical records, and baseline updates. Note that when importing assets, the baseline and technical records files are hidden from view.
During import, the file categories are processed in the following order:

  1. Baseline data for selected aircraft and shipments
  2. Aircraft
  3. Shipments of loose inventory
  4. Technical records for selected aircraft and shipments

The data in the import file is treated as the source of truth if there are differences between the data in the import file and the data in the import location system. If an asset was previously imported to a base and then exported, the system at that base has an archived inventory record. If the same asset is imported again at a later date, the import process unarchives the inventory record and updates the asset with data from the imported file.

When assets are imported successfully, the following changes occur in the destination instance of IFS Cloud: