IFS Contract Management Information Sources

Information sources are a combination of facts and dimensions which are structured and hold information about a specific transaction table in IFS Cloud. Currently there are six information sources based on IFS/Contract Management. These information sources can be used when creating reports in for example IFS Business Reporter or building cubes.

An overview of each information source mainly based on IFS/Contract Management is given below:

Sales Contract Item

General Description

The handling and financial control of sales contracts is critical to contract-intensive businesses. The purpose of the Sales Contract Item Information Source is to retrieve information from IFS/Contract Management on an item level for reporting and analysis purposes.


Some report examples that might be created based on sales contract item:

Measure Items

Fields calculated by the information source:

Margin Value Company Currency: Calculated as Sales Value Company Currency - Cost Value Company Currency

Margin Value Contract Currency: Calculated as Sales Value Contract Currency - Cost Value Contract Currency

Main Features

Zoom in: Available for all measure items.

Drill down: Not allowed.

Writeback: Not allowed.

URL to: Sales Contract.

Access Types

Online, Data Mart.

Application for Payment Item

General Description

Applications for payment (AFP) processing means that a company applies for money from its customers on a regular basis based on the work completed. Applying for payment for work completed is a critical part of the business for companies working on contracts. It is vital that they are able to have financial control of their contracts and make sure that payments are received as agreed. The purpose of the information source is to retrieve information from the AFP process for reporting and analysis purposes.


Some report examples that might be created based on application for payment item:

Company Reporting Period

The company reporting period is derived based on the Application Date field.

Main Features

Zoom in: Available for all measure items.

Drill down: Not allowed.

Writeback: Not allowed.

URL to: Application Line Items.

Access Types

Online, Data Mart.

Sub Contract Item

General Description

Sub contract manages contracts with suppliers. It is vital to record creation of the contracts, submission of invitations to tender, receipt of tender response, as well as general changes on the contract. All this information makes it possible to monitor the contract throughout its lifecycle. Contracts will need to be cost controlled, have progression of work recorded, and allow for revisions of contract baselines while managing applications for payment and cash collection activities.

The purpose of the Sub Contract Item Information Source is to retrieve information on an item level for reporting and analysis purposes.


Some report examples that might be created based on sub contract item:

Main Features

Zoom in: Available for all measure items.

Drill down: Not allowed.

Writeback: Not allowed.

URL to: Sub Contract.

Access Types

Online, Data Mart.

Sub Contract Valuation Line Item

General Description

A sub contract valuation is used to record progress of work performed against a contract, receive, payment requests, invoices and manage payments of such invoices. Valuations are always based on the underlying awarded sub contract and can be done on a detailed level by contract line and item, or on an overall level. Valuation on line item is done if the Item Level Certificate check box is selected in the Sub Contract Valuation window.

The purpose of the Sub Contract Valuation Line Item Information Source is to retrieve information for reporting and analysis purposes based on applied and certified sub contract valuation on line item.


Some report examples that might be created based on sub contract valuation item:

Company Reporting Period

The company reporting period is derived based on the Application Date field.

Main Features

Zoom in: Available for all measure items.

Drill down: Not allowed.

Writeback: Not allowed.

URL to: Sub Contract Valuation Lines.

Access Types

Online, Data Mart.

Sub Contract Call Off

General Description

Sub contract manages contracts with suppliers. It is vital to record creation of the contracts, submission of invitations to tender, receipt of tender response, as well as general changes on the contract. All this information makes it possible to monitor the contract throughout its lifecycle. Contracts will need to be cost controlled, have progression of work recorded, and allow for revisions of contract baselines while managing applications for payment and cash collection activities. An important aspect of sub contract is the call off of contract items to the sub contractor and may only be created once the sub contract is awarded. The call of is used to confirm the purchase of services to the sub contractor.

The purpose of the Sub Contract Call Off Information Source is to retrieve information for reporting and analysis purposes based on call offs.


Some report examples that might be created based on sub contract call off:

Main Features

Zoom in: Available for all measure items.

Drill down: Not allowed.

Writeback: Not allowed.

URL to: Sub Contract.

Access Types

Online, Data Mart.