Information sources are a combination of facts and dimensions which are structured
and holds information about a specific transaction table in IFS Cloud.
Currently the information sources based on IFS/Human Resources listed below
can be used when creating IFS Business Reporter reports or cubes. An overview
of each information source which is mainly based on IFS Human Resources is given
General Description
Purpose of the employee headcount analysis information source is to analyze
employee headcount and turnover for defined periods. Following information is
required to be defined for the company so that headcount analysis can be performed
in BI:
- Period calendars are required to be defined in the
Period Calendar for
Statistics window.
- Optionally, you can connect HR period calendars to accounting periods
using Financial
Period Connection window.
- Create a snapshot category in the
Headcount Statistics
Snapshot and connect a period calendar. Specify all the companies
from which information will be analyzed using the defined snapshot category.
Also, create periods for the analysis.
The following points should be considered when report is created.
- Filters/Repeaters should be used for Snapshot Category/Year Period (Or
Year and Period)/Company, Primary Position and Primary Job.
- If it is required to show all employee records for a given period, the
relevant information base must be selected. This is not necessary if you
use only measure items (except sum of age) for present data (without detail
- Following filters should be used with the dimensions:
Group Class field should be filtered in order to use age group.
Employee Duration Class field should be filtered in order to use
current employment duration
Employee Duration Class field should
be filtered in order to use total employment duration
- Total Headcount
- Employee Turnover changes
- Effective Headcount
- Headcount Cost Centre/Position/Age/Work Experience
- Annually/Monthly or term headcount/turnover change
Access Types
Specific Attributes
- Period Headcount:
Represents the headcount of the employees
for the specified period.
- Period FTE:
Full Time Employment rate of the employees for the specified period. FTE
is derived from Employee's Degree of Occupation - Employee Reduction
- Start Employment Headcount:
Represents the new employments
for the specified period.
- Start Employment FTE:
Represents the
Full Time Employment rate of the new employments based on Degree
of Occupation for the specified period.
- End Employment Headcount:
Represents the headcount of the
employees who ended their
Employment periods during the specified period.
- End Employment FTE:
Represents the
Full Time Employment rate of the employees who ended their employment
based on Degree of Occupation for the specified period.
- Sum of Age:
Sum of Age of employees with a valid employment within the specified
period. This can be used to calculate Average Age.
Supported Dimensions
- Employee Category
- Snapshot Details
- Company
- Employment
- Organization Code
- Position Details
- Job Details
- Age Group
- Current Employment Duration
- Total Employment Duration
- Accounting Period
- Company
Reporting Period - Headcount Date, along with the Company ID is used
to connect to the Company Reporting Periods Dimension
Reporting Period
- Headcount
Date is used to connect the Reporting Periods Dimension
- Code B
- Code C
- Code D
- Code E
- Code F
- Code G
- Code H
- Code I
- Code J
Main Features supporting IFS Business Reporter
- Zoom In
Not available
- Drill Down
Not available
- Writeback
Not available
- URL Navigation
Not available.
General Description
Purpose of the Absence Period information source is to provide information
about the absence periods of absences registered in Absence Administration.
- Annual/Monthly analysis of absence registration
- Annual/Monthly analysis of absence periods with regard to period types.
Access Types
- Online
- Data Mart
Specific Attributes
Absence Working Period:
Represents the number of working days within the registered absence
period, calculated according to employee's schedule.
Working Hours:
Represents the
Number of working hours included in the absence period.
Absence Calendar Days:
Represents the number of calendar days included
in the absence period registered by employee.
Supported Dimensions
- Company
- Organization Code
- Position Details
- Employee
- Employee Category
- Absence Type
- Absence Group
Company Reporting Period -Date From, along with the Company ID is used to
connect the Company Reporting Periods Dimension
Reporting Period
- Date From
is used to connect the Reporting Periods Dimension
Main Features supporting IFS Business Reporter
- Zoom In
Available for all measure items
- Drill Down
Absence Calculation (PAYROL)
- Writeback
Not available
- URL Navigation
Not available
General Description
Purpose of the Time Transaction information source is to provide detailed
information about employee time reporting. Time transactions are extracted from
the table where the time registration results are stored. Therefore it is not
necessary to copy the data. thereby only Online mode is available for this information
- Daily analysis of work time registration on different organizational
- Annual/Monthly analysis of work time authorization
Access Types
- Online
Specific Attributes
- Wage Hours:
the number of hours accounted for the wage code concerned.
Day Value:
The result calculated for the wage code in days, i.e. the wage code
hours divided by the number of hours amounting to one day. If an absence
type is connected to the wage code, the number of hours which amount to
one day is determined by the absence calculation period unit specified in
the Absence Configuration/Absence Type tab. Otherwise, the
scheduled hours will always be considered as one day. On non-working days,
this value is always 1 when the absence calculation period unit is Calendar
Days. Otherwise, the value is always 0.
Supported Dimensions
- Company
- Organization Code
- Organization Structure
- Position
- Job Details
- Employment
- Employee
- Employee Category
- Wage
- Wage
- Absence
Company Reporting Period - Account date, along with the Company ID
is used to connect the Company Reporting Periods Dimension
Reporting Period
- Account
Date is used to connect the Reporting Periods Dimension
Main Features supporting IFS Business Reporter
- Zoom In
Available for all measure items
- Drill Down
Not available
- Writeback
Not available
- URL Navigation
Not available.
General Description
Purpose of the
incident analysis information source is to analyze the health and safety related
data in different dimensions which will helps to report to external authorities,
monitor and control necessary actions related to health and safety.
- Overview Incidents
- Overview Injuries and Illnesses
Incident Trend Analysis
Incident Based on Severity Level
Health & Safety KPI’s (Days away from work cases/Medical Treatment beyond
first aid/Total Recordable Injuries)
Access Types
- Online
- Data Mart
Specific Attributes
Count of Incidents:
Represents the number of incidents count
Count of Injuries and illnesses:
Represents the personnel
injuries and/or illnesses count
Workdays Lost:
Represents the Number of workdays that the employee would have worked but
could not because of the illness/injury.
Workdays Restricted:
Represents the Number of workdays that the employee cannot work properly,
e.g. the employee has been assigned to another job on a temporary basis
or works part time.
Injury/Illness Reference No:
the internal reference number of the personnel Injury/Illness record.
Supported Dimensions
- Company
- Employee
- Employee Category
Reporting Period – Incident date is used to connect to Reporting Period
Main Features supporting IFS Business Reporter
- Zoom In
Available for all measure items
- Drill Down
Not available
- Writeback
Not available
- URL Navigation
Not available.
General Description
The purpose of the Employee Working Schedule information source is to provide
detailed information about employee scheduled working time. In the T&A module
there is no generated information about each working day of an employee. Instead,
an employee has assigned definition of the working schedule which has to be
used to get detailed information about each working day and days off.
The information about working time covers:
- Substitution Days
- Deviation Days
- Deviation Cycles
- Public Holidays
Daily analysis of scheduled work time for each employee.
Access Types
- Online
- Data Mart with Incremental Load handling
Specific Attributes
- Working Day:
Represents numeric indicator for a
working day. On working days, this value is always 1. On non-working days
the value is always 0.
- Scheduled Hours:
Represents number of working hours
scheduled for an employee on the selected day.
- Presence Hours:
Represents number of actual presence
hours for an employee on the selected day.
- Absence Hours:
Represents number of planned absence
hours for an employee on the selected day.
Supported Dimensions
- Company
- Organization Code – organization where the employee has their primary
- Organization Structure – the organization structure where the organization
- Position Details – position an employee is primarily assigned to
- Job Details – primary job of an employee
- Employment – current employment of an employee
- Employee
- Wage Class
- Working Schedule – an employee’s working schedule assigned on an accounting
- Day Type – day type on an accounting date taking into account all possible
- Wage Code – wage code for a normal working time
- Company Reporting Period - Account date, along with the Company ID is
used to connect the Company Reporting Periods Dimension
- Reporting Period - Account Date is used to connect the Reporting Periods
Main Features supporting IFS Business Reporter
- Zoom In
Available for all measure items
- Drill Down
Not available
- Writeback
Not available
- URL Navigation
Not available.