Shop Visit Defaults

Shop visit defaults may be set up for an customer - overhaul object combination. This includes setting the default maintenance levels, updating the modification baseline, entering minimum release life limits, and defining the tracked parts for the shop visit of the overhaul object (serial structure in IFS/Fleet and Asset Management).

First, the top part information of the overhaul object must be specified. Once the custom - overhaul object combination is defined, following can be performed:

Maintenance Level Baseline

The maintenance level baseline is used as a starting point when setting maintenance levels appropriate for the work scope. Following should be done when defining default maintenance levels for a shop visit.

  1. Create maintenance level data for valid sites - When this option is performed, a line is created for each component belonging to the overhaul object at each site the object is registered. These lines are created from the IFS/Manufacturing product structure for the top part revision and can include parts that are not part of the overhaul object but added after transfer in IFS Manufacturing.
  2. Enter the maintenance level per component - The default maintenance level can be specified for the generated lines.

When you choose to calculate maintenance levels from the baseline when building the work scope, the default maintenance levels specified in the shop visit defaults will be retrieved to the work scope.

Modification Baseline

The modification baseline is used to predefine the default work scope for the shop visits of an overhaul object. That is, the modification baseline is used to set up the modifications the customer wants performed by default for the shop visits of an overhaul object. The modification baseline should be revised for each visit.

When a modification for which an affected part is defined is activated, it will be included in the visit defaults. Mandatory modifications will be automatically included in the baseline without the option to remove from the baseline. For Recommended and Optional modifications, the modification may be included or excluded from the baseline based on the customer's requirements. You can choose to import all standard active modifications that are valid for the structure of the overhaul object and then select which should be included in the baseline, or you can choose to copy the baseline from another customer.

For Recommended and Optional modifications that are included in the baseline, following information may be defined in the baseline:

When you choose to include all baseline modifications when evaluating the work scope events, all modifications included in the customer's modification baseline will be transferred to the work scope.

Minimum Release Life Definitions

The minimum release life limits for life limited parts (LLPs) in the structure may be defined as part of the visit defaults.

The minimum release life specified for an operational parameter will be retrieved automatically when evaluating the LLP events for a work scope, The minimum release life together with the calculated remaining life will be used to indicate LLP serials that have less than the given minimum release life. This information helps to identify LLP events that should be included in the work scope. The LLPs that are not included in the work scope will, by the conformance check, be controlled against these default values.

Tracked Parts

Customer tracked position parts corresponding to the overhaul object may be set up as part of the visit defaults. If a position is marked as tracked, all the real parts, installed and alternates, valid for the position will be treated as tracked parts. As a result, when the installed part or alternate of a tracked position is added as assembly shop order material, it will be required to define the position part for the material line.

 Tracked parts may be set up manually, set up by importing parts from a template structure or copying an existing tracked parts list.

View Work Orders/Customer Orders for the Customer

In addition to setting shop visit defaults (in the Shop Visit Defaults page), it is possible to view information on ongoing and historical work orders/customer orders as well as view valid complex assembly service contracts for the customer from the Shop Visit page.

Customer orders that are planned, released, reserved, picked or partially delivered are considered as ongoing customer orders. Work orders that are neither finished or canceled are considered as ongoing work orders.