Employment Reduction Period

The employment reduction period defines the reason and the reduction in working hours for an employee, and the period during which the reduction takes place. The information can be utilized when analyzing the work force demographics in the Employee Analysis page. 

The reduction is expressed as a percentage of the equivalent full-time hours. For example, if full-time is referred to as 40 hours per week, and the employee is employed at 20 hours per week, then the degree of occupation is 50%. A decrease in the working hours to 16, because of, e.g., sickness, is then entered as a degree of reduction equal to 10% (4 / 40 = 0.10). The current degree of occupation is 40% (50% - 10% = 40%).   

Typical reasons for reduction are: Parental Leave, Military Service, Sickness, Sabbatical, Education.

The reduction information refers to longer periods of reduced working hours. It is not meant for short term sickness, vacation, and other short term absence. These are referred to as absence, and do not affect the current degree of the occupation percentage.

When a Time and Attendance or Payroll component is present, the reasons for reduction are normally also found in the absence code register. To simplify registration, the absence code can be linked to a reason for reduction. When an absence is entered, the corresponding reduction period is automatically updated.

The reduction period information is not used when the years in service is calculated for an employee.