Assign Activities


This activity is used to create your own activities connected to your objective. Activities are separate tasks that need to perform and complete to meet the objective. This will show your progress towards strategic goals for a department, discipline, professional area, or company operation.

Activities can be assigned using My Performance Evaluations. or My Performance Evaluation Details pages.

If you use My Performance Evaluations, you will need to create the objective first via Add Objectives option which will guide you to a Add Objectives assistant. The second step in the assistant will allow you to add activities to the objective.

If you use My Performance Evaluations Details, you will need to select the performance period first.  To add objectives and activities, select the Add Objective/Activities option which will guide you to a Add Objective/Activities assistant. If the connected objective is already created, you can add activities via New Activity option in My Performance Evaluation Details page which will guide you to a New Activity assistant.

Specify a New Activity ID and a description for the activity in the Description field. Specify the target to achieve in the Target field. Activity Start Date and Activity End Date will show today's date and Objective End Date respectively. Responsible For Follow Up field, will fill in with the respective Person ID by default which can be changed.


To assign activities Performance Evaluation is required to be already created by your Manager. Performance Periods and Performance Status have to be already defined.

System Effects

The newly assigned activities will be displayed in Employee Activities page as well.