Make 'Confidential' option ON


When sending/requesting feedback, a copy of the feedback/request can be viewed by other persons. There is an option to mark Feedback as "Confidential". Use this activity to make 'Confidential' option ON.


1) Send Feedback- Confidential: OFF

Who can view? Recipients, Persons who have access to the recipients, 'Feedback on' persons, Persons who have access to the 'Feedback on' persons.

Send Feedback- Confidential: ON

Who can view? Only the recipients

2) Request Feedback- Confidential: OFF

Who can view? Recipients of the request, Sender, 'Feedback on' persons, Persons who have access to the 'Feedback on' person

Request Feedback-Confidential: ON

Who can view? Recipients of the request and the sender only

Confidential Feedback : Only the recipient can view the Feedback

Confidential Feedback Requests: Only the recipient of the request and sender can view the request. The response of the request will also be considered as confidential when responding to requests using the 'Received Request' section in Feedback Hubs. However if you choose to respond to the request as a new/seperate feedback, its your responsibility to consider the requested privacy settings.


There are no prerequisites.

System Effects