Enter Question Details


This activity is used to modify the details of the questions already defined in the Questions section. Use Edit option after selecting  the question you need to add details and  If the question is of type Multi-Choice, you are required to enter alternative answers to the question. And if the question of type Yes/No, optionally a remark can be requested with the answer or can convert the question to a terminating question with a terminating text.

In the Qualifying Question section, you can link the question you are modifying to a previously defined question. The question you are modifying will then be dependent on the answer given by the participant to that previous question. Only Yes/No type questions and Multi-Choice type questions that are linked to alternative lists of alternative type Categorized and Scaling are allowed to be specified as qualifying questions.

  1. If the question type is Multi-Choice, enter or modify the alternative ID by selecting from the List of Values. The description of the alternative ID and the number of answers that can be selected will appear in their respective fields. The answer options available to the question will be listed in the table.
  2. If the question type is Yes/No, enter or modify values in fields Remark Required and/or Terminating Question.
  3. You may enter the number of a previous question defined for the survey as the qualifying question for the current question. You can only enter Multi-Choice and Yes/No type questions.
  4. If you have entered a qualifying question, select the qualifying answer from the list in the Qualifying Answer field. The answer options available to the qualifying question will be listed in this field.


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