Object Structure

In order to administrate equipment information and perform efficient maintenance on the equipment in a facility, a suitable equipment structure has to be created. All kinds of equipment in the facility, such as machines, machine groups, individual pieces of equipment, e.g., pumps, motors, tanks, furnaces, etc, and also departments, production lines, might be entered as equipment objects. Use Object Structure page to locate or place an equipment object in a structure. This is done either through searching for an existing object, or by entering information on a new object in a certain place in the structure. There are seven structure types, Function, Location, From, To, Process, Pipe System and Electrical. You can build an equipment structure showing all the objects' functional, locational, from/to, process, pipe system and electrical relationship. There are many different ways of creating such a structure. The object structure could be the actual physical structure with the top object and all the underlying objects shown on various levels. Or, it might be a functional structure where a parent object contains objects of a certain kind.