This activity is used to to manage meters. Parameters of Value Type Accumulated will typically have a Start Value (which may be greater than zero, especially is the meter has been used elsewhere previously), and when a meter is changed, the old meter will have an End Value, as it is taken out and replaced. Many meters (for both Accumulated and Limit type parameters) have an ID, used for audit and tracking purposes - when a meter is changed, the ID also changes. Accumulated meters may also ‘roll-over’ when they reach the maximum value of the meter.
The Setup/Change Meter option allows for initial meter setup (register the Start Value, Meter ID and Meter Roll-over Value), and also meter changes (End Value for the old meters, as well as the key attributes of the new meter). This can be performed in Measurements for Object page or Functional/Serial Object page Testpoints/Parameters tab.
Note : Meter changes can also be managed using the Manage Preliminary Readings assistant. The difference is that the assistant Setup/Change Meter is used for a meter change where only the new meter Start Value/old meter End Value are entered, whereas the Manage Preliminary Readings assistant is used when a meter reading has been recorded for a new meter, after it has been fitted, and the details of the meter change now need to be entered, retrospectively.
The parameter can be of Value Type ‘Accumulated’ or ‘Limit’.
Two measurement records will be created for the Meter Change Date of Measurement Types ‘Before Meter Change’ and ‘After Meter Change’, recording the end value of the old meter, and the start value of the new meter. Depending upon the other data recorded, the 'After Meter Change' record may have a Meter ID value, and the parameter may have a Meter Roll-over Value set.