Analyze Estimate Cost


To view the cost build-up for an estimate, version or item, click Summary. You can analyze:


Default are just the top item records related to the selected version viewed but it is possible to view records for all versions. This can be useful when quantity breaks are established for a top item. Then all versions can be viewed simultaneously, easy to compare calculated values like total cost per unit, between the quantity breaks/versions. This page also contains a pie chart representing the cost element build-up for a selected top item, i.e. which are the cost elements that contributed to the total cost and how is the distribution balanced between them.

By clicking at pie it is possible to open the Estimate Cost Build-Up dialog. It shows you the details about which of the items in the tree structure that has contributed to the build-up of the selected cost element and to which extent. The costs and cost contingency are accumulated and displayed for cost elements. If the costs and/or cost contingency incurred in a specific site, the site is displayed in the cost record. For the generic costs that are not related to any site, site will be empty.


Estimate calculation should have been performed.

System Effects