Cancel Version


To cancel a version, click Cancel. A version handles differences in cost, contingency and markup build-up for the same work scope. A need of several versions can arise when the estimate includes quantity breaks, different quantities of the top items. It can also appear when several customers are connected to the same estimate and there is a need to separate the build-up of costs for the customers regarding additional cost, contingency, markups etc.

 If the work with the version must be aborted, it is possible to manually change to this status at any time if no item is Confirmed for the version; however, once in this status, no further actions are allowed to be taken. If you need to resume the work after cancellation, the way forward it is to create a new version. This can be done by either copying the cancelled one or creating a new version if the there are no other versions in between. A new version is always created based on the latest version in the sequence.


This activity requires that an estimate header and a version exists in status; InProgress, PartlyCalculated or Calculated.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the cost, contingency and markup build-up for the version is cancelled.