Define Version Specific Currency Rates


You can define version specific exchange rates. A reference currency is always defined when saving the estimate. Reference currency is always equal to the accounting currency for the company defined in the estimate header. There are two options to define the version specific exchange rates:

When using the Get Company Currency Rates command it is only possible to enter or select currency rate types that are defined with a reference currency equal to the accounting currency for the company in the estimate header. This is independent of which currency code that is defined for the estimate. All currency codes defined for the selected currency rate type are fetched and corresponding records are automatically established. Once the records are established, there is no connection with the selected currency rate type, updates/modifications can hence be performed without any restrictions.

The version valid from date is considered when copying the currency rates. Only the currency rates which have a valid from date matching the valid from date for the version are copied.

If there are exchange rates defined in this table, they are used within the estimate. For instance converting a quote price from a supplier to the currency rate of the estimate’s owning company. If no version specific exchange rates exist then the Default Buy Currency Rate Type for the company is used if it exists. If not, the Default Currency Rate Type will be used.

Note: If there are sub-items which are inter-site purchased from sites which aren’t connected to the estimate company then these items are not effected by the version specific rates in the estimate. They are not affected since the reference currency for the company that includes the site for the supply item can be different from the reference currency defined for the estimate company. Also in this case the Default Buy Currency Rate Type for the company is used if it exists, else the Default Currency Rate Type will be used.

It means that first the recalculation done to the reference currency of the estimate company. This is done based on the relevant currency rate type for the company maintaining the site which manufactures the inter-site purchased item. Once that is done, a new recalculation is done to the currency defined for the estimate, based on either version specific currency rates or else the estimate company’s setup of Currency Rate Types.


This activity requires that:

System Effects

Version specific exchange rates are established for a revision of an estimate id.