Revise Calculation/Confirmation


To revise a confirmed calculation for an top and/or a complete version, click Revise. Revise of a calculation means that the cost, contingency and markup build-up is no longer considered as completed, one or all the items, for the selected version. The status is set back to InProgress and it is possible to update the work scope as well as the cost, contingency and markup.

Revise is a manual action which sets back a confirmed item or complete version (all top items) to InProgress, the cost, contingency and markup build-up is unlocked and possible to adjust. It can be executed for a single- or for all top items. You can revise a confirmed single top item from the item header. You can also revise all top items from either the specific version recordĀ  or else from the estimate header, then it is for the selected version.

Revise can be executed also for a version in status Completed. The connection to the business object then remains and the update functionality can be used to transfer the Confirmed calculation after completed changes of the work scope and/or version cost build-up.


This activity requires that;

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the version cost, contingency and markup build-up for one or several items is set back to InProgress.