Credit cards are a common facility which employees can use in order to make payments for work related expenses. Also, employees may use personal credit cards or company credit cards for this purpose. Therefore, payments made through personal credit cards are required to be reimbursed to the employee by the company. However, all expenses incurred during work related assignments are required to be registered in the system as expenses using the Expense Sheet.
Employee's private credit cards are distinguished from company credit cards by the credit card type. That is, if the credit card type is defined as reimbursable in the system, all the credit cards connected to this type may be personal credit cards of employees. Details of all the credit cards of employees which are used for work related expenses are required to be registered in the system by connecting it to a credit card type in the Credit Card Type. The separate system defined property code CREDITCARD is used to connect the credit card information to employee.
Credit card transactions of employees are connected to transaction codes. This coding system is a numeric sequence of values defined according to the accepted standards in a country/region. The transaction codes are also a way of grouping credit card transactions. E.g. Transaction codes for 'Hotels and Other Accommodation' and transaction code for 'Transportation Services'.
These transaction codes are configured in the system so that you can register the credit card transactions in expense sheets according to the requirements of the transaction codes. The following configurations are possible for transaction codes:
Details of employee's credit card transactions are sent to your company from the banks handling the relevant credit cards. This information is installed in the system by importing the transferred details in the form of an inbound BIZAPI.
When you create an expense sheet for the employee in the Expense Sheet, the credit card transactions sent from the bank will be listed in the Expense Sheet/Credit Card. Depending on the configuration specified for the transaction code of each transaction, expenses can be registered.