Copy Expense Sheet


Copy Expense Sheet is a functionality used to duplicate an exisitng expense sheet to create another. Expense sheets of any status can be duplicated. Based on the new dates specified for an expense sheet the dates of expenses automatically adjust prior to copying. The copying happens based on an identified pattern. eg: An expense sheet which is of one week duration can be copied to another for the same period etc. When copying if the expense sheet should have routes its dates would be adjusted based on the dates specified to Left the Country and Return to Country dates.

All expenses of the expense sheet can be modified prior to copying. After being copied for Domestic and Abroad Travels allowances will be generated for the new date period based on the definition of the expense rule. Postings, Credit Card and and Payments sections of an expense sheet will not be duplicated.

Fields like Employee, Purpose, Expense Sheet Information, fields in the Connected To section can be modified apart from Expenses prior to duplicating.


System Effects