Adjust Allowance Calculation


Use this function to calculate allowance. The summary of the generated allowances based on the Expense Rule and the travel dates will be appeared in the Expense Sheet. If you want to change the Deductions or Additions use the Deductions & Additions option.

If you would require to add/remove or modify any of the allowances that has been generated use the Allowance Details option.

In certain cases, employees are granted allowance for short (less than 24hrs) travels overnight (with or without accommodation). The Short Overnight Accommodation option is used to define if such allowance should be calculated in the Expense Sheet. This option becomes available when user select the Domestic Travel Expense or Abroad Travel Expense as expense sheet type, covering a travel time period of less than 24hrs.

If this option is selected no accommodation was used during an overnight trip. If this option is selected means that there was accommodation but user still want to generate allowance for the short overnight trip.


Before you calculate allowance, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this entry, the system will register the allowance.