Fixed Assets Physical Counting

The fixed assets physical counting process is used to check the physical existence of fixed assets in a company. This process involves creating a physical count in the system for producing a report with records of actual results of a physical count and, for updating the existing information in the system once the actual results have been obtained.

A physical count created in the system can include all the objects of a selected site at a given time. However, you can limit the physical count to a selected range of physical locations belonging to a selected site, or to fixed assets objects that are in the custody of a selected range of custodians.

At a given time, a fixed assets object can be included only in one physical count.

It is possible to block the fixed assets objects included in a physical count for operations. However, in order to do this, you must complete all the operations that are in progress for those objects before the physical count is created.

The following scenarios illustrate how fixed assets objects can be handled in the system after the results of a physical count is obtained.

Result 1- An object exists in the same site and physical location as that entered for the object in the page Fixed Asset Object/Inventory tab.

Object A has been included in physical count 1. The site entered in the page Fixed Asset Object/Inventory tab for object A is SITE 1 and the physical location entered is A. After the physical count has been carried out, object A was found to be physically located in the site SITE 1 and the physical location A.

In this circumstance, you can change the count status of object A to Exists in the Register Object Physical Count Result page.

Result 2 -The site and/or physical location in which an object is actually located is different from that entered for the object in the page Fixed Asset Object/Inventory tab.

Object B has been included in physical count 1. The site entered for object B in the page Fixed Asset Object/Inventory tab is SITE 1 and the physical location entered is A. After the physical count was carried out, it was found out that object B is actually located in SITE 1 and physical location B.

The physical location of object B can be changed to B in the Located Objects Information dialog. This dialog can also be used to change the site, physical location details, the tag number and the custodian of an object if necessary. Modifying any information relating to an object in the  Located Objects Information dialog results in the change in the count status of the object from null to Located.

Result 3 - An object does not exist

Object C has been included in physical count 1. After the physical count was carried out, it was found out that object B does not physically exist.

In this circumstance, you can change the count status of object B to Missing in the Register Object Physical Count Result page. Once the count status of the object has been changed to Missing, you can scrap the object by using the Scrap Object option in the Register Object Physical Count Result page. On the other hand, you can change the count status from Missing to Located by changing any information relating to the object in the Located Objects Information dialog.

Once the information relating to fixed assets objects have been updated in accordance with the results of the physical count, the physical count can be completed. Note that a physical count cannot be completed as long as it includes any objects of which the count status is null or Missing.