Inspect Work
You can inspect steps on a task that a technician has marked as
awaiting inspection.
To inspect work click on Inspect Work on the My Work Tasks,
Work Tasks, Task Details
pages in the Mobile Forward/Line Maintenance application or Record Work
on the Task Details page in the Forward/Line Maintenance
Multiple steps can be inspected at a time.
On inspection, you can view the actions taken on the steps awaiting
inspection and
accept or reject the work accordingly. Provide a note to accept or
reject the work.
If you are working in the Mobile Forward/Line Maintenance
application, you must provide a comment to reject the work.
- The status of the task must be In Work.
- The status of the step in the task must be Awaiting Inspection.
- You are not the line technician who marked the step as awaiting
inspection. If you are working in the Mobile Forward/Line Maintenance
application, you must not be the assignee on the task.
System Effects
- If the work was accepted, the status of the selected steps
changes to
Completed. You can choose to complete the task, if all
steps were completed on inspection, or have a returning technician
complete the task.
- If the work was rejected, the status of the selected
steps changes to
Pending. A returning technician cannot complete the
step but only set the status of the step to Partial or
Awaiting Inspection.
- The step note added during inspection is displayed in Actions Taken against the step or steps it was made on with
an action type of Inspection.