Request Part


As you work on a task or fault, you might need to use or request parts that are not already specified as part requirements. You can request parts for a task, when you are online, on the Task Details page, and for a fault with no corresponding task on the Fault Details page.

To add a part request, you search for the part by part number or select the required part from the List of Values. If the required part is a batch part, the default quantity of 1 to be requested can be modified.

If you wish to request alternate parts for the part selected in the Part field, ensure that Allow Alternates is selected. On selecting a part in the Part field, if the part belongs to more than one part group, the part group from which the part needs to be issued should be entered in the Part Group field. Only the part groups attached to the aircraft, aircraft sub assemblies or common hardware that are effective to the aircraft that the task or fault is against, can be selected. Assembly and conditions are read only and displayed based on those defined on the selected part group.

If the selected part group is for a config slot/aircraft subsystem that has more than one position, you must select the config slot position for which the part is required in the Position field.

Finally, if Allow Alternates was selected and the part in the requested part group has alternate parts, you can select a specific alternate part in the Request Specific Part field to add a part request for the part specified in this field. Alternatively you can leave the Request Specific Part field blank.

You can also remove a part requirement provided that the part change has not been signed. The removed requirement is no longer displayed as a part request and the status of the corresponding part request is updated to Canceled.


System Effects