Acquire Lease Asset


This activity is used to terminate the lease contract by clicking the Acquire Lease Asset on the Lease Accounting Contract page.


In order to terminate a lease contract, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:

Posting Types- Acquire Lease Assets Description Balances/Values per Account
2398- Lease Liabilities 1265- Right-of-use Assets 1275- Accumulated depreciation on ROU Assets 9385- Lease Termination Interim Account 2845- Lease Liabilities due for payment 7968- currency exchange losses on lease liabilities
Balance before Termination -1250 (Cr) 1000 (Dr) -600 (Cr)      
FAP 81 Clear lease liability balance 1250 (Dr)          
FAP 80       -1250 (Cr)    
FAP 0 Transfer Acquisition value   -1000 (Cr)        
FAP 0 (New Asset)   1000 (Dr)        
FAP 0 or FAP 82* Transfer dep value     600 (Dr)      
FAP 0 (New Asset)     -600 (Cr)      
FAP 89** Currency difference loss           250 (Dr)
FAP90**       -250 (Cr)    
FAP 76*** Purchase Price            
FAP 80         -2200 (Cr)  
FAP 91**** Adjustment- acquisition value       2200 (Dr)    
FAP 92   700 (Dr)   -700 (Cr)    
Balance after Termination 0 1700 (Dr) -600 (Cr) 0 -2200 (Cr) 250 (Dr)

* FAP 82 posting type is created instead of FAP 0 posting type, if the Leasing Type is Operating in Lease Accounting Contract/General tab. In such instances, the acquisition value of the new asset is adjusted by the respective amortization amount when transferring the values to the new asset.
** If there is a gain from currency differences, FAP 87 and FAP 88 will be created.
*** The purchase price to be paid to acquire the asset is transferred to the same posting type (FAP 76) that is used to account for the installments due when running the Lease Payable Accounting Proposals.
****The adjustment- acquisition value is posted according to the posting control set up. This could be mapped to a new acquisition account, if required. But, the transferred acquisition value from the old asset is always posted to the account/code parts that have been used for the right-of-use asset. Therefore, it is recommended to use Move Object on Lease Accounting Contract page or on Fixed Asset Object page to transfer the balances to appropriate accounts/code parts (including the Object Group) before starting the depreciation on the acquired asset.