Enter Cash Account


This activity is used to enter, change, and view details of the cash accounts your company uses. This compulsory task is to be performed by a system administrator or an equivalent person via the Cash Accounts page.

Each cash account belongs to a payment institute. Currency accounts and accounts in the company’s accounting currency can be processed. You can enter cash account, payment institute, currency, account number, balance method, description and BIC/ Swift code (if neccessary). If the currency account is used for foreign payments via bank giro, these must be defined for the bank giro payment institute. These can be linked to the currency account at the bank. The transaction types allowed for each cash account are defined by using the command button Transaction Type Per Cash Account. If the cash account belongs to a cash box payment institute, the allowed transaction types are limited to Enter Supplier Payment, Enter Customer Payment, Direct Cash Payment and Cash Transfer. The transaction types can be defined per cash account and user group. 

For cash box cash accounts, the statement number generated when entering a cash box is not editable. For other types of cash accounts, the statement number is editable, unless it is manually specified as not editable via Cash Accounts page. When statement number is not editable, the No Prefix function defines the numbering for statements of accounts. Number prefix is specified for each cash account through the Statement No Prefix page accessed via the command button. When a mixed payment or cash box payment is entered for a cash account, the Statement No/Cash Box Report will contain the prefix defined for the cash account.

A cash account can be linked to a payment institute office. Only the payment institute offices connected to the payment institute of the cash account can be connected to the cash account. 

A cash account can be linked to an associate cash account. This is applicable for pseudo, e.g., Swedish accounts bank giro ID, in terms of the payment institute to which each account is linked. The account number for the non-existent bank giro account should be the ordinary bank giro account number.

If the Cash Account is not used as a counter cash account in a cash transfer transaction, select Not Allowed as Cash Transfer Method else select an appropriate method from the list in the Cash Transfer Method to be used as a counter cash account in a Mixed Payment or in a Cash Box transaction.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

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