Enter Maintenance/Service Information


Use this activity to enter information for resources that are used in maintenance and/or service. The resources can be of type Person Group, Person, Tool/Equipment Group and Tool/Equipment. The Use in Maintenance and Use in Service setting on the resource group determine if the resource can be planned and used in Maintenance or in Service processes.

Enter relevant information for each of the resource types, such as:

Person Group and Person
For a person group, it is possible to select if it should be a Primary Resource and if used on a work order to define if it should be Included in Execution Logic Planning. It is also possible to enter a Sales Part.

For the person resource, it is possible to connect a Maintenance Employee, Site and Maintenance Organization. In addition, the employee can be defined as a Mobile User. There are also information related to setting up a Work Task filter and Maintenance Planning Board options.

Tool/Equipment Group and Tool/Equipment
For a tool/equipment group, it is possible to enter an Item Class and to select if it should be a Primary Resource. It is also possible to enter a Sales Part.

For the individual tool/equipment, it is possible to connect a Maintenance Site and Maintenance Organization as well as to enter miscellaneous maintenance information and data related to the tool/equipment object.


System Effects

A resource group set as Use in Maintenance allows the resource group and the individual resource to be used in the Maintenance processes. A resource group set as Use in Service allows the resource group and the individual resource to be used in the Service processes. Depending on the resource (group or individual) as well as the resource type, the additional data that is defined for the resource enables specific usage for the resource in those processes.