Enter Payment Methods


This activity is used to view and enter payment methods to be used by your company. Each payment method is connected to one of the predefined payment formats available in the company. 

When you create a new company, a number of payment methods are automatically created, e.g. payment methods for customer direct debiting, automatic supplier payments, check payments, and Bill of Exchange payments.

New Payment Methods can be created via the Payment Methods page. A predefined payment format can be connected to the payment metohod via the Format ID drop-down list. Generate Trace Information can be enabled if the selected format supports payment file traceability. It will not be selected for new payment methods if no payment trace information is needed. If the payment method should allow creating a payment order with any cash account connected to the payment institute; Cash Account in any Currency should be enabled. Example: Accounting Currency = EUR,  Payment/Invoice Currency = USD. 
If Cash Account in Any Currency is not enabled, the cash account in EUR or USD should be selected when creating a payment order. If it is enabled, a cash account in another currency can be specified.


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System Effects

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